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Travel – Horizons, Frontiers, Generations

The side events continue for the exhibition Travel – Horizons, Frontiers, Generations

Sunday 17 November two free workshops held by two authoritative journalists from the NEOS Travel Journalists Association.

1 – Writing workshop: “The journey” on paper, video, radio and social media by Danilo Poggio. Meeting at Palazzo Ferrero from 10.00 to 13.00.

Writing about a trip doesn’t just mean writing on paper. But how do you tell a journey or rather an experience? How many ways can I do it?

In a world that has endlessly multiplied the means of communication, the word remains the essential element of every story. But it is necessary to know how to decline, adopting different languages ​​and communicative styles, based on our audience.

The workshop aims to provide the essential elements to exploit the many possibilities that are offered today. From the article in a prestigious magazine, to the post on Instagram, from the light-hearted intervention on a national radio to a video for YouTube or TikTok, the communicator must know how to move with ease and flexibility, always trying to speak to the hearts of people…

2 – Photography workshop: “The story of the city at night” by the photographer Mimmo Torrese, a passionate connoisseur of contemporary art and a subtle observer of the things that surround him: from 4.00pm to 10.00pm, meeting at Palazzo Ferrero.

A meeting on the representation of a place illuminated by artificial light and frequented by the people of the night.

Designed for both advanced and entry-level amateurs, even with only smartphones, they want to tackle technical and compositional issues linked to a branch of photography. The mini course consists of two moments, one theoretical and one practical.

Reservations required on: 388 5647455 – info@palazzoferrero.it

Città Studi SpA

An economic flow of around 7.5 million euros. It is the estimate of the economic impact of Città Studi Biella in terms of savings and economic value generated in the Biella area.

A result that explains how the instrumental company of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation is an important resource for the whole territory.

The growth of a territory, in fact, passes through both educational and innovative development. These are the cornerstones of the entire social and economic sector.

To be more competitive, a territory needs specific skills and strategies. Città Studi SpA works to realize the competitive advantage of the territory, training people and creating projects around which economic scenarios revolve.

In 2018 Città Studi SpA recorded important numbers related to the local economic flow: around 7.5 million euros is the estimate of the economic impact of Città Studi SpA in terms of savings and economic value generated in the local area, a result that testifies to the capacity to translate ideas into actions for the benefit of the Biella socio-economic system. And that explains how Città Studi SpA is an important resource for the whole territory.

The relevant data is taken from the 2018 Sustainability Report: a document that aims to offer an overview of the structure, services and results achieved by the company thanks to the experience gained in over forty years of history.

For more information, see www.cittastudi.org

Salviamo l’om salvèj

The FAI has published the final classification of the 2018 edition of “The places of the heart” and the Association “Amici del Vernato” thanks all those who participated in the collection of signatures that allowed to achieve an excellent result: 3,467 votes, 134th position in the national ranking on 37,200 competitors, 12mi in Piedmont compared to about 300 proposals and first in our province.

Happy with this goal and with these consents, we continue with other initiatives to make this beautiful national monument accessible to the public. The first of these seems to us to be the due renovation of the façade with the precious fresco of the om salve“.

To tell the story and to achieve this goal an event was organized: Friday November 15th at 9.00 pm in the I.I.S. Quintino Sella (ITIS) of via Rosselli in Biella.


Gianni Destefanis, owner of Masserano House

Claudia Ghiraldello, art historian,

Giorgio Perino, restorer qualified by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities,

Marco Conti, anthropologist, author of publications on Biellese folklore.

Free admission.


Know to dream

Friday, November 22nd at 5.30 pm in Città Studi, as part of the WOOOOOW me and my future orientation show,  the “Know to dream” event will take place.

Together with the Regional Councilor Elena Chiorino, you will bear vivid testimony of what are the constantly growing opportunities offered by the Biella area, to help young people and families to orient themselves on the most suitable path to take both in school and in work.



Turn on relationships beyond devices

Thursday, November 14th at 6.30 pm at the Aula Magna of the IIS Eugenio Bona the next appointment of #fuoriluogo will take place with Bruno Mastroianni as protagonist.

We talk about social web as if it were a computer issue, but in reality they open up to a much bigger challenge: can we tell ourselves, talk about what’s going on and discuss with others?

Is it possible in this scenario to find a way of communicating that allows us to build quality relationships?

Can we face the other’s difference without quarreling?

Bruno Mastroianni is a journalist and social media manager of television broadcasts. It holds digital communication courses and online conflicts in universities, companies and non-profit organizations.

He will dialogue with the author Silvia Basiglio.

Biella Literature and Industry Award

The awards ceremony for the eighteenth edition of the Biella Literature and Industry Award will take place on Saturday 16 November at 5.00 pm at the Auditorium of Città Studi.

The authors of the winning works will be present:

Giorgio FalcoIpotesi di una sconfitta, Einaudi (Premio Biella Letteratura e Industria)

Silvino GonzatoLievito madre, Neri Pozza (Premio Speciale della Giuria)

Rossana Balduzzi GastiniGiuseppe Borsalino. L’uomo che conquistò il mondo con un cappello, Sperling & Kupfer (Premio Confindustria Piemonte)

Maurizio GazzarriI ragazzi che scalarono il futuro, Edizioni ETS (Premio Giuria dei Lettori)

During the ceremony, the winners of the competition addressed to the Biella high schools will be awarded, promoted by the Young Entrepreneurs Group of the Industrial Union of Biella, “Cuore, testa, mani” and the winners of the Viverone Lago Rotary Club Award.

This year the Lions Bugella Civitas Award is added, the first edition of the national competition for the best review of one of the five finalists.

The award ceremony will end with a debate, coordinated by Paolo Piana, entitled Si nullus est ventus, with the award winner, Giorgio Falco, Andrea Rapaccini, President of MBS Consulting, a leading company in management consulting and Mario Furlan, founder of the City Angels in Milan and teacher of Motivation and personal growth.

An aperi-dinner will follow, at the Exhibition Hall of Città Studi, and, at 21.00, a musical dedicated to the winner of the 18th edition of the Award, by the theater company Carovana, entitled Librinmusical.



The Maurizio Sella Wool Mill: a walk through time, between past and future

The Maurizio Sella Wool Mill: a walk through time, between past and future exhibition will open Saturday 16 November, dedicated to the history of the building complex and its activities.

The exposure is part of the exhibition Biella portrait of a factory city: a narrative journey through images that takes place in five different locations, the Maurizio Sella Wool Mill, Cittadellarte – Pistoletto Foundation, Spazio Cultura of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation, Chamber of Labor and the Città Studi Library.

In each place photographs will be shown concerning the Biella identity linked to factories and textile work.

The event is organized by CGIL and the Documentation Center “Adriano Massazza Gal” of the Biella Chamber of Labor and is part of the Biellese Historical Fabric project, led by the Province of Biella and supported by the Piedmont Region.

The complex of the Maurizio Sella Wool Mill is a testimony of the economic and productive events that took place over time, up to the present day. The exhibition that tells it reconstructs his story through paper documents and images; from the Mondella paper mill, in the first half of the sixteenth century, to the silk spinning mill of the Congregation of the Sanctuary of Oropa which was born at the turn of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, to the Maurizio Sella Wool Mill – active since 1838 – up to the current destination of the group’s multi-purpose activity center Sella Group and other users, including the Sella Foundation.

The exhibition can be visited in the ancient chapel of the wool mill adjacent to the current hall that now houses the exhibition The other machine. A Biellese industrialist and the affirmation of photography in Italy. It will be open until February 2, 2020 (Saturday and Sunday from 10 to 19, the other days by appointment).

Find the complete program of the exhibition, including the other exhibitions and their timetables, in the enclosed brochure.



The Biella hospital: between creativity and humanism of care

Third floor, East side of the Biella Hospital. A place of therapy and care. People who are ill with cancer and are following therapies or taking control tests are waiting in two bright rooms. On the walls, the graphic, intense and symbolic interpretation that a large group of students from the art school of Biella has taken care of.

The Human Resources Training and Development Service, the nursing team of the Oncology Department and the teachers and students of the Art School “G. & Q. Sella”, drawing inspiration from the poetics of Master Michelangelo Pistoletto, have developed the project for the preparation of the halls of waiting for the Oncological Day Hospital, looking at values ​​such as attention to the world of others, hope for regeneration possible for each person, particularly in the relationship and in the testimony. A project carried out thanks to the contribution and support of the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation, which has always been attentive not only to instrument donations but also to humanization projects.

Two elements now inhabit those spaces: a natural one, the tree, the beauty and pride of life that develops in roots and branches, leaves and flowers, almost dreamlike forms in their grace; the other that relates to the ability of man (Biellese industry, in particular), balls of dense, full wool, which unfold to tell stories and experiences, which weave thin, tenacious, rough and porous threads, colorful in sharing open by narration. And the balls wool are also made three-dimensional, leaving “rain” threads in the waiting rooms, to collect words, thoughts, testimonies of those who pass in those places and want to offer a trace of themselves writing on colored paper leaves.

An embrace between nature and thought, between existences that touch on the intermittent daily that is good. What a cure.

Creativity and care: both need spaces for listening and dialogue, silences and words, light and color; both find a home in the Biella Hospital, which becomes a place of reflection and sharing between subjects involved at various levels in attention to the other, disseminating narrative and expressive experiences.

In addition to trees and balls of yarn, in fact, a significant element seals and nourishes the overall sense of the project: in front of the reception desk for assisted people, to support its pace and standing, the symbol of the “Third Paradise”, intertwined in the colors of Asl BI. An extraordinarily evocative form that Master Pistoletto has been designing and developing for 16 years and which he recently donated to accompany Biella towards the prestigious UNESCO “Creative City” award: a symbol of the balance between nature and artifice, it represents a renewed humanity.



A crown of children

Biella and the Biellesi open the Fifth Centenary Coronation of the Madonna of Oropa.

On the eve of the Mariano Special Year, on Friday 22 November at 9.00 pm at the Villani Social Theater in Biella there will be the opening night of the V Centenaria Incoronazione, in which the project selected for the crown of the Madonna and Child Jesus will be presented .

The event will be accompanied by a concert with the W.A. Mozart performed by the Sacro Monte di Varese Orchestra and the Verdemar Choir.


Inaugural concert

W. A. Mozart “Coronation Mass” – Sacro Monte di Varese Orchestra and Verdemar Choir

Eleonora Caminada – soprano

Mirea Marchetto Mollica – mezzosoprano

Shinichiro Kawasaki – tenor

Kwanghyun Kim – Baritone

Chorus Master: Martino Colonna-priests

DIRECTOR: Giovanni Conti

A crown of all and for all

“Generate community”: presentation of works of charity

A crown for Mary and her Son

National art competition: presentation of the selected project


